
✅ pharmd ✅ mom

✅ shopper

Hi! Welcome to my website! My name is Andrea. I am a licensed, practicing pharmacist that has graduated from one of the top 10 PharmD programs in the nation. When I am not dolling out drug advice, I am a wife to my wonderful husband and two children! Over the infancy years of sleep deprivation and scrolling, I developed a passion for online shopping and deals. I love sharing my finds, humor, and random thoughts in a community of mammas! Most of the pages here are for YOU to get direct links to products or anything you may want or need. If you have questions about anything from shopping or drug related please feel free to comment or message me on instagram or email me at and I will respond! 😊

Why I dont show my face?

#1. I dont want to

#2. I feel like it takes away from what I am trying to accomplish here, which is posting good deals, good products, and good humor

***This website contains affiliate links. If you click on one of these links and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This allows me to continue to provide content for you. I only recommend products and services that I (or close friends and family) genuinely believe in and have personally used or thoroughly researched.